The NAE Forum function provides constructive debate with a steep learning curve. Through informative workshops and open brainstorming, NAE Fellows and Young Engineers, complemented by their network, encourage out-of-the-box thinking on pressing challenges in knowledge, engineering and innovation.
Technology: Key to Sustainable Growth
The Netherlands aspires to a leading position within the European Union in innovation and key technologies. It is crucial to recognise that technology, human-centred design and the underlying engineering sciences are key to achieving that sustainable growth and prosperity and realising innovative solutions for the important societal transitions.
Evidence-based Dialogue
Technology is increasingly becoming an integral part of our society and public policy. NAE believes that public dialogue and arguments for and against certain technological developments should be based on current scientific knowledge and insights from business practice.
Open Constructive Debate
We therefore initiate and encourage an open and constructive debate on how technologies and innovations can support important societal transitions, building on the strengths and opportunities of the Netherlands in an international context. We enrich the debate with state-of-the-art knowledge and insights from our Fellows and Young Engineers, involving key actors within the knowledge and innovation ecosystem. In informing the general public about technological progress, we seek a balance between its opportunities and its sometimes disturbing aspects.
Forum Programme Committee
Gabrielle Tuijthof — Chair — University of Twente
Lieve Declercq — SPIE Nederland BV
Silke Hemming — Wageningen University and Research
Christa Hooijer — TNO High Tech Industry
Catholijn Jonker — Delft University of Technology / Leiden University
Albert Polman — NWO Institute AMOLF
Jos Benschop — ASML
Cees Buisman — Wageningen University & Wetsus
Dirk Smit — Energy Transition Consultancy